David Windham

2 min read

Jesus Christ, who never committed any sin, suffered the punishment for sin on our behalf. Jesus Christ was condemned to death and nailed to the cross. He was punished for all of our sins. Although you and I are guilty and deserving of punishment, Jesus Christ paid the penalty and provided us with salvation.

Say, we are all on the largest ship ever built. The ship has hit an iceberg and is sinking. The ship is going down into the icy cold waters, and we are going down with it. That is the state in which we find ourselves.

However, someone has said there are lifeboats available. Not only that, but you have a reserved seat on a lifeboat. In fact, every person aboard that ship has a reserved seat on a lifeboat. Would you like to claim your seat?

Some may reject their reserved seat because they believe the ship never hit an iceberg. Some may believe the ship hit an iceberg, but it is not sinking. Some may believe the ship is sinking, but there are no lifeboats. Or maybe there are lifeboats, but no room; they do not believe a seat was reserved for them. Or maybe some decide to jump into the water and swim for it on their own. Some may choose to try to build their own life raft. There are many different arguments people can make against their own salvation.

Finally, there are those who believe the lifeboat exists and choose to claim their reserved seat. They are saved. They did nothing to bring about their own rescue. They did not build the lifeboat, and they did not reserve their own seat. That was done for them. In fact, they were powerless to bring about their own salvation. They simply believe the lifeboat exists and a seat was reserved for them. They have faith they are saved.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten (uniquely born; one and only) Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16).

Everyone aboard that sinking ship has a reserved seat, but it is up to each person to believe and choose to accept their seat on the lifeboat. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for the entire world, but it is up to each person to believe and choose to accept salvation.

You can claim your seat. You can be saved. You can experience the exact opposite of spiritual death. You can have eternal life.